Monday 6 January 2014

Borneo: Other Cool Animals!

The rest of my time in Borneo was spent in two ways:
1) Enjoying beautiful deserted beaches
2) Hiking through muddy rainforests

For Christmas, Mr Elder's sister came to join us for two weeks, and brought along presents from our friends and family back in Canada. We had stockings to open on Christmas morning, and Christmas lights and decorations that we hung from our balcony's clothesline. We felt spoiled by all our thoughtful gifts!

We chose Pulau Tiga as the spot to spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day because of its remote location. It felt really special to be in such a beautiful place! You might be interested to know that it was where they filmed the first 'Survivor' series. So we had fun making up challenges for each other, like who could crab walk the fastest along the beach, and who could stand on one leg the longest in the sand!

The island was home to some interesting animals: monitor lizards that swim in the ocean, and like to hang out in the swampy areas on the island, macaque monkeys who were always trying to get into the trash bins, and elegant hornbills who were constantly squawking.

While in Kinabatangan, I saw orangutans (see my previous post), and a bunch of monkeys, including another endemic species (only found in Borneo), this crazy guy:

The Proboscis Monkey is the one with a long nose like Gonzo!
They looked a lot like humans the way they sit upright and use their
long arms to pull food towards them.

Here are a few more monkey species I saw:

The Long-Tailed Macaque
Ignore the orangutan and notice the
Pig-Tailed Macaque above.
The Silver Langur
The Maroon Langur

Along with the mammals, there were lots of reptiles, like lizards, geckos, and even some snakes! You can bet I was careful when hiking through this muddy river!

We also saw so many beautiful and unusual bird species on our river rides. I had a great time in Borneo!

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